Friday, December 30, 2011

Taxus x media 'Hicksii' - Hicks Yew

Vertical growing evergreen small tree, growing to about 15’ x 4’ wide. Quite slow. Great for formal hedges and screens or to create a vertical accent. Dark green color all year. Often used in place of the Irish Yew which you can see at Filoli or on Rio del Mar blvd across from the Arco Station. These are at the Sesnon House on Soquel Dr. You can see the one on the right starting to splay open a bit. This is a problem as the trees age and will require prompt pruning or they will develop a large open space that will not fill easily.

Leaves are dark green and about 1", with pointed tips. They appear to be arranged radiating around the stem. Lower surface is lighter green and there is a distinct midrib. The foliage of all yews are toxic as are all parts of the tree except the red aril surrounding the fruit. The foliage is used to make the cancer drug Taxol.

Stems are ridged, light green with rounded green buds.

Male and female stroboli are borne on the lower side of the branchlets. There are different male and female plants in the yews, but interestingly there are both male and female versions of this plant in the industry.

Fruit is a seed partially contained in a red fleshy aril. The attractive portion is the red aril. This is late in the winter and is not as red as it could be.

A hybrid between the English yew and the Japanese yew. Provides hardiness of the Japanese and the dark green foliage of the English yew.

Misidentification: Irish yew. Look at the size of the plant, the Irish yews are very wide compared to the Hicks yew. Foliage only.... good luck.

Locations: Cabrillo College Sesnon House.