Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Podocarpus macrophyllus - Bigleaf Podocarpus

Evergreen conifer with a narrow-conical habit quite large in its native habitat but not likely to be more than 20'. Its hard to find one that is not trimmed into a hedge or screen. Grows pretty quick. Rather upright and course textured, not at all like the other commonly grown species.

Another typical espalier planting.

Hard to say what might have happened to this one, but considering it was planted in a 1' bed along a sidewalk I am surprised its still there.

Leaves evergreen, alternate, simple, narrowly lanceolate or broadly linear, dark green, 3-5" long, distinct midrib, leaves clustered and appearing whorled at the tips of the stems. Stiff looking usually vertical on the stems.

Plants are dioecious, male cones are yellow, elongated sort of like a cedar, females fleshy  elliptical greenish blue cone, 1.5" long and black when mature.  These black things are last years males.

Stems pale green or lightly brown, very strongly grooved. 

Older bark smooth, gray brown flaking in scales and eventually furrowed.

Misidentification: Other Podocarpus, (Afrocarpus has smaller thinner leaves.)

140 Baltusrol Dr.

Hospital Dr. between the hospital and the large building on the right.