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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Crataegus laevigata 'Paul's Scarlet' - Paul's Scarlet Hawthorn

Scarlet Hawthorn is a deciduous small tree grown for its spring flower display of beautiful scarlet double flowers. Growing 20 x 15 feet with an upright to spreading dense canopy. Usually some horizontal branches which send up water sprouts. It's not one that you will see unless it's in bloom. This one is at one of my favorite small arboretums, Finch Arboretum in Spokane.

This is why people used to buy them.

Foliage is alternate, simple, 1-2" long, dark green in summer, pale yellow fall color, margins lobed, generally 5 lobes.

On young stems you can find stipules.

Flowers are pink-scarlet double.

Fruit is rarely produced, but occasionally you will fine a small red pome.

Stems have thorns, heavy on young stems.

 Flower buds rounded.

Bark is furrowed.

Trees are notorious for producing water sprouts in the canopy.

Most likely another Hawthorn, but not in bloom or the Washington thorn.

450 At Andrews Dr
417 Dorsey Ave

Santa Cruz
726 Hanover St