Thursday, December 4, 2014

Ilex X altaclerensis 'WIlsonii'- Wilson Holly

The Wilson Holly is a beautiful holly tree. Trees are densely pyramidal, growing to 20' tall and 10' wide at the base but tapering to a slightly rounded point. Trees are female and produce very nice looking fruit.

Leaves are alternate, simple, broadly ovate, dark green, and about 3" long. Most holly trees have much narrower leaves. The central vein is yellow. The confusion starts with the margins. Most evergreen hollies have spines. However, many lose the spines when the tree is not growing vigorously. So you can find leaves that are entire, some slightly spined and others covering the margins with spines. Most mature examples have mostly all broad leaves.

Flowers are white, five petals, either males or females. Borne early spring or late winter.

Fruit is not a berry, according to botanist, it is a drupe. Either way, they produce large quantities in the internodal area of the stems.

Trunks are smooth silver-gray.

I really have a hard time with Hollies. I have never lived where they are dominate plants in the landscapes like in Oregon. There are so many hybrids with very little information on their identification. Looking though the literature I found a cultivar called 'Camelliifolia' and the name fit this to a tee. My interpretation of a camellia must be very different than the person naming that plant because those are quite narrow.

Had some wonderful help on the ID from Barrie Coate.

305 Clubhouse Dr

618 Burlingame Ave